It is critical that permits are correctly issued, and contractors comply with the nominated requirements. Our skilled safety officers ensure that personnel do not work outside of approved permit conditions. They also have the skills and experience to assist with the development of suitable and relevant Job Safety Analyses (JSA’s) and Safe Works Method Statements (SWMS’s).

Work Permit Issuing

Our safety officers are accredited by various petrochemical organisations to issue work control permits on their behalf.

These include Safe Work Permits, permits to work, Hot Work Certificates, as well as certificates covering other higher risk activities such as confined space entry, working at heights, excavation, energy isolations, crane lifts and opening of process equipment.

Conducting atmosphere test during tank cleaning operations

Atmospheric Gas Testing

The ability of OPEAM staff to conduct atmospheric gas tests enables them to be actively involved in the safe conduct of “hot work” and confined space entry activities. We also have personnel trained in the use of photo-ionisation detectors as well as lead in air testing.